Food Combination Indicator

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bad                             good
acid                             base


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Healthy and slim ... a good combination!

Animals instinctively know what to eat and whether or not to eat different foods simultaneously. Originally man also ate one kind of food per meal. Due to the diverse range of available food in the modern world, one is tempted to eat different food at the same time or soon after each other. In most cases it is better not to do so.

Man is a fructivore and no omnivore

Man has a digestive system designed and tuned for eating fruit. Being a fructivore man must be careful when eating food for carnivores (meat eaters) and herbivores (plant eaters). In the course of time people started to behave like omnivores, eating all kinds of food. On top of that, different food items got combined into one meal. Those with a healthy intestinal flora, strong stomach and intestines will probably not experience any noticeable adverse effects. But for most people incompatible food combinations will lead to digestive problems such as heartburn, distended abdomen and flatulence.

Food type depends on the dominant nutrient

All food consist of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in a certain ratio. Carbohydrates are divided into two types: starch and sugars. Sour foods are also differentiated in the food combining theory. The dominance of one of these nutrients determines the type of food. For example, sugar is dominant in many fruits, protein in meats and starch in rice. If the dominant nutrients in a meal are compatible with each other, the digestibility of the particular food combination is expected to be good.

What food combinations are good?

With the Food Combination Indicator* you can quickly assess whether a food combination is good for digestion or not. Good combinations will enable digestion to be more efficient resulting in nutrients being better absorbed by the body. You will soon notice that you won't have to recover anymore from digesting a meal. Your digestive system will be less burdened and you will feel more energetic. An additional benefit of proper food combinations is that you will end up having a healthy body weight in relation to your height. This means that weight loss and a slim posture can be achieved while eating more or less the same food as before, but better combined.

Food and the acid-base balance

The Food Combination Indicator* also states whether the combination has an acidifying or alkalizing impact (alkali and base are synonyms). Such impact is the result of the acid level of the residue formed after the food has been digested. Food containing chloride, phosphorus or sulfur, generally produce a residue with a high acid level (acid level is also referred to as pH level). On the other hand food containing alkaline minerals (such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium) form base residues with a low pH level. A food item being alkalizing or acidifying does not say anything about whether that food is healthy or not. Also note that an acid or alkaline-forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual sourness of the food itself.

Acid-base balance and health

Body cells and blood must be slightly basic, and the body should maintain that pH level. Generally the body can easily cope if at least 70% of one's diet consists of alkaline-forming food. When consuming too many acidifying foods, the body cannot dissipate all acidic residues via the excretory organs (liver, kidneys, lungs and skin). To neutralize the acid, alkaline minerals are extracted from the body and the blood will divest the remaining acid surplus to the muscles, tissues and joints. In case of prolonged acid surplus, tissue acidification and mineral deficiency are inevitable, resulting in health problems and chronic diseases.

*) Indications are based on the customary cooking method and quantities. Combinations with drinks are based on one glass.